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The Five Biggest Misconceptions about Online Personal CoachingOnline Coaching


An Online Personal Trainer Is A Glorified Cheerleader

It is not my job as a personal Trainer/ coach to hold pom poms and run along the sideline jumping up and down to cheer you on. One thing I love about my job is when people have big, small, or mi- nute

wins so we can high five and say well done….but this is not my main job when I am working with you.

This is where we introduce my good friend accountability. Sometimes what you need to do is not always what you want to do or hear that you need to do. One of my main jobs is to continue to help you improve and grow in your health & fitness journey which also means your life.

Some people also believe that online coaching is not as good as actually being one on one with the person. When I am working in person I do like to get my hands on the client at times to help them feel things where they are meant to be feeling it, but also to help guide them through certain movements.

Online Coaching can feel like we are in the room together. While we can’t physically touch, we can still connect, I can still guide you through movements by being extremely clear and concise with my instruction about how the movement should feel and where you should be feeling it.



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